• Event
    • Reunião Anual GEDII 2024
      Centro de Congressos Myriad Crystal Center, Lisboa
      4 to 6 April 2024
  • Form
    • Registration
      Until 22 of March of 2024 at 23:59 UTC+0
  • Details
    • - Deadline for registration: March 24th
      (After this date, enrollments may be made subject to confirmation of availability by the organization)
      (Registration for the course Nurses and IBD is limited and subject to confirmation by the organization)

      - If you wish to enroll through a sponsor, please consult with its representative. You will be subject to the limits of vacancies for enrollment through this route.

       GEDII Member Annual Meeting  370 €
       Nurse  Annual Meeting 
       250 €
       Nurse  IBD Course   300 €
       General Annual Meeting  550 €

      Prices apply to individual registrations and also to sponsors after their free registration limit is reached

      BANK DETAILS FOR PAYMENT                                                                                                 

      NAME   Grupo de Estudo da Doença Inflamatória Intestinal
       Millennium BCP
      IBAN   PT50 0033 0000 45321670938 05

      Please send the payment receipt to reuniaoanual.gedii@gmail.com
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